Sunday, March 20, 2005

Empty Words

Are those uttered frequently, meant to ease pain but all they do is float in the vacuum of life. They say time will ease your loss, but it never does, the pain is stays fresh no matter how much time have passes. You never over come your loss nor move on, you just get accustomed to it. You fall and hurt your self and they say you’ll grow up and forget, not really there will be a scar to remind you of your fall.
Saying I miss you is any empty word to me, if you say something their should be an action to follow it, or its just another word floating around.

The WiseOne Says:
“Never say what you mean”

Friday, March 18, 2005

All is for You

"When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it"~AlChemist

today i finished this novel/story called "The Horse Whisperer" by Nicholas Evans thou liked "Smoke Jumper" more .. anyways i finished and although the end was nothing i expected it was nice, and then through the day watching tv i figured out there is a Movie on the novel and its showing tonight, here i thought huh is this a mere chance or did the universe conspire to make this happen i mean if it was day earlier it would have ruined the book for me ..

such things happen frequently to me, sometimes i want a certain thing and just think of it for a second then later in the day i get it.. once i wanted a apple toffe from Germany and at night someone was back from germany and had got me the apples.. that was the best gift ever!.. it was the only gift i desired and got it for no occassion at all ..

the WiseOne says:
"Its not how many Heads you step on, but where does these heads head"

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

To Live

To live on & still se the world in bright colors, is to turn a blind eye to its ugliness to avoid all it conflicts, this only will maintain you brightness, this means you’ll never live life at it fullest, to do so u’d have to take a deeper look into it , this means to live it conflicts and to endure all it pains, your world colors might get darker yet never colorless.

Same goes with people, you always what to have a role model and when u get to know ur more u figure out there isn’t anything special about that person. When u look at things u figure out they are never as perfect as they seem.

It’s a choice either we look the other way & live with no complications or get involved and make life more complex.

The WiseOne says:
“life is but a choice”

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

On We Go

Standing up after falling is easy, it takes more effort to move on again. Its not how fast you stand up but how steady your moves are after that. Its easy to drift away yet hard to get back on the track, mostly in everything this is true.

It takes effort to be the first & hard work to stay the first but it takes nothing to fall back & be the last, so always have to try hard & harder that ought to be in the highest ranks.

We have the right to feel gone after failing in an exam our if our health is bad & more if we lost a dear one to death, but we shouldn’t stay in that state forever and never rush our grief give it time to sink in and let life take us on, maybe our wounds would never heal, but that doesn’t mean to stop living.

The WiseOne says:
“ never lose one’s self. As it take forever to recover”

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Candy My Remedy

Recently I figured out that candy is my remedy when I’m mad or upset I go & fill a bag with candies & devour it , then half way through my candy bag guilt over whelms me & I through it into the garbage..
Candy have always been my indulgence now its became my sin, I feel so guilty if I had any, cheating on my diet feels worst than cheating on a test.

The WiseOne says:
“Pain, Just says you are still alive”

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Irrelevant Details

What makes you & what differentiate you from others; is the small details. Mostly we tend to miss the small things like how someone smells. Small details are things that makes stories great and makes event more personal. Those irrelevant details to some are the things that make this life your life & your own.
To dismiss those details in your daily life is the greatest sin, to disregard how the morning smell or how you room looks before entering it, and the distinct laughs of your dear ones, is to disregard your story. A movie is always better when u can relate to its story, a conversation better communicated when you make it more personal.
Insignificant some might say, to them it might be but to your self & to your people it might be the best part.
Say your story with all the Insignificant, Irrelevant & Small parts. Only then it will be a part of you & Charismatic just as you.

The WiseOne Says:
"Details, makes life your Story"

Friday, February 25, 2005

She'll Be Loved

To Be loved is one thing but to realize it is all togather another matter, we are supposedly loved by our parents & famlies..but when u meet new people the best thing that could happen is if someone after meeting would say to their friends i've loved her..
Even in War there is love, love of Country love of Money, love of pride and self...etc, so there isn't an action devoured from love how harsh or horrbile it might be, we all can love but it how we use our love & how do we protect it.

The Wise One Says:
" Love is a Privilege, not all are entitled to "

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Colorful Rain

the weather have been amazing this day, had lunch in th garden under the rain.. it would have been a shame if we spent it indoors.. so i got my self some paint and painted the rabbit house.. in pink & metallic green ..
Colorful rain have poured on us, & colored the white houses & gave them a joyful feeling.. & air was filled with a joyful melody.. washing out our sins, & a promise of a wonderful day have been fullfilled..

The Wise One says:
"Think in color, & all will be colorful"

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

My Story

life is just an empty book.. and we write our stories in it, we control if it was another biography .. or an unbelievable one thus becomes a myth, my book is one of dragons & unicorns.. full of glories battles.... bounded in thick chocolate taste that u just want more of it.. movies will be based on the book .. this book wont be collecting dust on library shelf, but out of stock in every book store.. by time itwill be part of every student studies..

i aspire to an unforgettable name.. a person so great mentioned in every history, of it greatness some would doubt it was real & think it's one of the folk stories.. a myth which all believed in.. but in real i was there and i am here..

The Wise One says:
"Die young die a Legend"

Tuesday, February 22, 2005


this have been a rather enlightening day..
its my first time Fail something.. & weird enough i felt bad for few minutes & then my joy just came back.. maybe the tons of chocolates i had had something to do with it..
anyways know i realized we can learn from our F******* the think i learned is that i can retake the test ;)... & i didn't go down with the F ...

& i made a new friend.. she was so sweet,, that was totally unexpected .. so it have been a nice day after all

The Wise One says:
"To fall is to Rise"

Monday, February 21, 2005

First blog

I have seen this thing going around for a time now , everyone is blogging.. i didn't really get into it basically cuz my life is same old same old no new stuff to add, but their are thos new ideas i get formed in my head and mostly no one ever understand them or care abt them, so i suppose this a gr8 place to just write them down..

The Wise One says:
" Life is Clay , & we shape it as we desire"