Sunday, November 27, 2011

The illusions we create and the façade we construct are the great feats we achieve in evolving. We create a persona that subscribes to ideologies we in fact are distanced from. How is it that we amplify our significance with unfathomable rhetoric, and proceed through our lives, as this is our natural condition, not a well-tuned and fabricated existence? We work hard to polish our brass shells of humanity, hoping that if we keep at it then brass will turn into silver.

How tiresome is the pursuit of the living, seeking success, pursuing happiness. How conceited is our chase, for the fact remains we might be predestined, defeated claims one might say. We scribe our stories and we dictate our density for they are only outcomes of our actions and person.

Utter confusion, a complexity of competing ideas and principles, stirs an on going debate that never settle without exhaustion. Am I who I am? Or am I what I am? AM I a product of my circumstances or despite them?

the wise one said
'To question your purpose is one thing, to question your existence is whole different mess'

Thursday, November 03, 2011

The story

It may not be true, it may not bring light, and it might explain nothing, despite it all it’s a story and it will be told. There is much more than reality, there is existence between the lines the governor our lives. With no claim of wisdom nor belief of a greater notion, I believe in this story I call my life.

I realize I’m not magnificent; all one can be is significant enough to leave a memory of their existence in this long rendition of life. As individuals we all believe in our own stardom in life, whilst all we are in fact is a reincarnation of concepts and ideas that survives a humans life span to become part of humanity as a whole.

We are an extension of a race, culture, religion, nationality and evolution. As we all are a variation of different principles, we all fall back to the same core of existence. I tend to wonder why one subscribes to one ideology and forsakes all other. We usually follow other’s ideas only those of us with great luck are able to create their own and affect others with them.

My legacy might not be of any greatness, it might be of no significance to the human race, but in whatever circle I exist in I hope I leave a ripple effect of goodness.