Wednesday, October 17, 2012

as we stand

We may stand alone we might stand together. In the distance one, two or many aren't visible all that matters is that someone out there still stands. Life is for the living, and what once was, now lies under the sand as it holds very little value other than the ripple in the ground. Life goes on with or without your. Fighting to live isn’t the point, fighting to be significant to matter to be more than a ripple in the world is what your strive for. We might matter in our context of living. We must fight the great fight to live on. Surrender is not an option glory or death is our end. Stand and fight of the demons of defeat, hold on and live on….

the wise one says 'the glorious sea waves always crashes into speckles of sand solider'

Monday, October 15, 2012

Between the colored lines, the grey shadows emerge
In the silence of night, the forgotten truth creeps out

for a moment, we had lost count
it is as many as it ever was

yet what we lost is greater
than what we ever had

the absurdity of I

We all exist, we all aspire to be significant, some end up being magnificent. I put no claim on any notion of grandeur, I am merely me. In this over populated world, there isn't much left to discover and invent, there is so much love and hate all around. There are many families as much there are orphans,  there are opinions, belief and even science. The world exited before me and will continue after I perish. Will I matter in broad scheme of life?