its a time in which starving a bit is followed by daily feasts. Night of prayers turn into midnight outings and sheesha becomes the night’s smell. Once boring Arabic TV channels are now very controversial. Once crazy traffic and jammed roads from five to eight now clear roads with sonic speeding cars at 6:10. Long working days now are short workless days. Social awareness increases dramatically; time spent not sleeping is spent with family and friends.
Less Music played, more Quran read. Charity is all around, more sad stories told. Masjeeds are filled in all 5 prayers and more at esha. People gather to help each other. Less yelling and fights during the day. More pleasant thoughts and acts.
We all do extra good during this month, but for those who do only good in this month is it right? What if u pray the taraweeh every night of Ramadan, then all year long you forget about the 5 daily prayers. Is a little good better than no good at all? Or do u need to be constant in your goodness? Or at least try to keep it up.
Tips for a pleasant month ‘which I learned the hard way mostly’
- Don’t have salt and vinegar chips for sohoor
- Eat in stages and not all at once
- Have legeemaat once a week
- Don’t stay out late on week night
- Don’t drive on the left lane at 6:20pm
- Read Quran after prayers
- Freej is lame so stop wasting ur time
- Leave work later and never at 2:00 or 3:00pm
The Wise one says
‘we fast then eat, and eat some more’