Thursday, November 18, 2010


In a world were everything is very interdependent, it's very hard to find on independence. we may sovereign a territory but at the end of the day we trade and communicate with other. That it perfectly understandable as no man is an island. What troubles me is when we can't identify out boundaries, where my life is so blurred with others. technology have made time & space irrelevant in our communications. I for one do not care much for 24 hr connection with the world. i like to be able to be not there when i'm not,i would like not to be found when i purposefully am avoiding people. I have many friends and i'm social with people when i the are around but at the same time i like spaces with no one but me, i like the quiet of an empty house. I like to work by my own schedule, not bound by others. I do not understand why do people feel that i owe them my time. if i say i do not want to hang out then simply i do not want that, doesn't mean i like you less or there is something wrong, just means i want to be alone.

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