Monday, June 19, 2006


We think highly of those stand by their principles and those who have a strong values system, and over all we believe morals makes us civilized.

Yet rarely there are any who fits this image, we think someone is for only we know them more we know better than to think them to be like what we first thought.

Why do always aspire for the unattainable, or why do our role models have to be flawless, we only set ourselves to be disappointed. We must have a healthier perspective of others. Whatever seems to be good to be true then most probably it isn’t true.

No one is greater than you unless you think they are, no one is better than you unless you believe that they are. You can stay disappointed by people or you can chose to see the little things that makes us all unique, and for that think they are good.

The WiseOne says
“To be great you’ll need to excel in being a human first”

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