Monday, September 25, 2006


I had my 2nd accident, the bumper need a paint job, the car I hit also needs a paint job, it was my mistake as usually , I didn’t really look when I turned around, luckily everyone was fine the police took their sweet time until they got there, and I was late for class. I don’t really want to take my car to the shop as they will take ages, and schedule cant handle wasted time. One thing for sure I’ll never hear the end of it anytime soon.

I want a Mac notebook, as IBM is proven to be very crappy. Uh Mac’s look nice, my cousin had new last week and since then I want one too. Today I handed in all of my due papers, and now I feel so free I don’t even know what to do.

This is the 3rd day of Ramadan, I’m hungry but I’m glad, its funny how you can still feel good on an empty stomach. I love iftar time I get to have a family meal, in my normal life we ever so rarely sit as a family for a meal. Family time is fun, best of all when all watch TV, or talk about life and stuff. Sadly we always have to get back home as we got loads of home works to do, hopefully I wont have to rush out.

the WiseOne says
"life is a banana, its bright and delightful"

1 comment:

Loushi... said...

Heeey.. am glad ur ok.. didnt tell me about the car accident.. how could u??! neywz.. am glad ur alright..

about gettin a MAC!! yeah.. girl.. u really should get one.. its such a SEXY laptop..!! luv it.. it's so amazin.. ull fall in love with the moment ur fingers start typn on its keyboard..

about uni.. am glad u dont have alot od stuff to do for tomorrow =) and glad that the load if off.. =)