Sunday, November 19, 2006


To say my life is messy is an understatement. I just go back from a 10-day trip in which the journey had taken almost 3 days. It was very enlightening.
I need to sit and organize my mess, my clothes are all around, and my desk is the biggest mess ever, I sort put everything on hold fro the past 10 days, and didn’t worry about the next day, now the next day is here. I’ll start school tomorrow, and I gota make up for a whole week, its seems I’ll be running around this week too, can’t wait for spring break. This semester is taking so long to get through it. I can frankly say I never felt my life busy until this semester. Yet I’m loving it, some how it makes everything matter, it gives you a purpose.
I’m liking my mess, but I suppose I’ll need to fix up things tomorrow, enshalla

The Wise One says
“Live the Moment, And forget what comes before or after”

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