Tuesday, December 19, 2006


All I know is this, if I can live without a mother or a sister, why do I need a friend! i can be living in joy if I didn’t have to damn please the ones I love, I’d usually do what ever they’d want only for the mere liking, but not now not any more. I’m not bitter nor do I hate people, all I want is to live my life, and bystanders are quite enough. I never shared a secrets for the sad truth I’m brutally honest about myself and about everything. I don’t scheme and plan for people to like me, all I want is for people to respect me and don’t ditch me like a wet towel to dry in damp ditch.
What is a friend but another person in my life, today here, tomorrow not. I know this much if your family can disappear why do you hold much faith of friends! They are wonderful when they are there just as family, but when they are not it’s you and only you. No one cares if you drove all across the city with misty eyes or the gleeful smile, all that counts is to be self-sufficient and self-reliant. Why do we seek to share the joyful moments and why do we seek our parents acknowledgment or a man’s love? If at the end we all die, and no one remembers us.

The wise one says
“Memories if documented and not felt, are lost”


3li said...

Its ok to Rely on yourself, but relying on others is what makes us human; to love is to rely on another...

so Why seek love? I dont know. All I know is that we hurt ourselves willingly, and joyfully. I search for it because it is the truest feeling one could have i life.

Why seek acknowledgemnt? ask your kids that when you have them (inshalla)

At the end we all die, but dont die unless you experienced love.

Loushi... said...

we human being tend to have a company.. someone with us.. i mean this is how the world works.. no one can survive on their own.. its amazin whn u share ur life with someon.. regarldess of who that person might be.. i might God has created Eve for Adam.. and because both of them together make things work.. this is hw the world works..

yeah it is true all of us one day will die.. and people around us will leave us or drift apart.. its just you live these moments or days or yrs and enjoy them.. even if they will eventually end.. its nice to be around people who love u..

and experiencing love.. is somethn beyond what words can express.. its a feelin that makes u numb.. i would really want to be in love.. coz the feelin is beyond whaat words can explain..

chill and enjoy this life..

each one of us in here is born into this life for a reach and to change someone's life and to have an effect on someone.. we are all here for a reason..
