Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Secret Garden

I’ve always wanted a secret hide away, a place no one existed or at least I didn’t need to care about anyone. A place where it’s mystical like Avalon in the mist, a place peaceful and worriless. A place with not so much light just enough to see your way but not so bright.
Recently I’ve come across such a place, and tonight was a wonderful, it was raining and the air cool and fresh. It’s an amazing place where no one is there but me, and that is real and not just in my head. It is a garden but with no chirping birds, no playful kids and no people around. Probably because it’s always late at night, but it’s simply my place and it’s wonderful.
When I’m at the Garden all I hear is some music and my thoughts, I’m happy I wonderfully cheerful, and I couldn’t care less about my soaking clothes. Water puddles reflecting the little light out there and everything goes into a hazy blur, as seeing properly isn’t that important anymore, all that surrounds me feels surreal and I do not need to register any of it thus I am blissfully entranced.

The Wise one says
“Inhale every moment and savor it “

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