Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My Car Wash story

Recently I was under a hazy lazy spell, a whole week worth of day time sleeping and night time relaxing and TV watching. So being the wise person I am , I decide to start the day early and do something useful.
I headed for university at 9:30 and it turns out that I was early, so I felt good about that; I decided to reward myself I bought myself a cafĂ© latte which woke up every cell in my body. So at 10 o’clock I was assigned a job for the next term helping out the IT department. So far so fab.
I decide to take it a step further so I went to supermarket, and bought car wash supplies, a duster, window wiper, sponge and some cloth to dry out the car. When I reached home, the front gate was closed so I went to the back entrance. I got out of the car unlocked the front gate, drove out the house and around it to get to the front gate.
To my delight there was an airlines car parked by the front gate, so here I thought they’ve dropped the maid, which meant she’ll help out in washing my car or do it all. Getting out of the car, the airline driver asks me if there ia a person at this house who has a flight to catch.In misery I answer no u got the wrong house.
I open the gates wide, thinking we should get the gate to open electronically like the back gate, so I drive in the house, my uncle teases us about it and calls it the white house, the pavement is full off dust and the grass turned yellow, and being my all heroic self I got out of the car and started pilling out my supplies to only discover that I didn’t buy any soap. Being the smart person I am I got to the laundry room and got some fabric detergent.
Now I had to find the water hose, I recognize 5 water taps, all linked to different hoses, so thinking to my self I say this should be easy I’ll chose the longest one, which was a yellow hose; only I can not turn on the tap its tight and connected to a generator so I leave it alone and look at the other four. Two were those black strong plastic that had holes in it and it drips water all around the garden, so that wont work. I look at my last 2 resources the 2 green hoses, those too were connected to a water spout; the one that has three openings and like splash the water all around the green. So I tell my self I will deal.
I get my lime green bucket and turn the hose thing on its head down in the bucket then i turn on the water. Water starts to splash all out of the bucket and over me, my shirt is soaking wet my jeans turned heavy and my sun glasses got wet like a swimmer goggles. Eventually I almost half filled the bucket up. I carried the bucket and I wondered how to best use it, here I am thinking this is the simplest thing ever. Before I splatter the water I decide to dust the car off so when the water pours down it doesn’t turn the dust to mud. But the more I dusted the dirtier it got, so I decide its time for the water.
splashing the water on the car turns out to not be enough. I figures that that much water is only enough for a door and half. Now orange metal is glittering under the sun with fresh water dripping of it, so i smile and start taking the trip to the water tap all over again, I did that 7 times to wet the whole car and in the process I myself got completely soaked. I stood back to admire my splashy work and to my dismay I notice the streaks of dirt covering the car! At least before washing it was dust and barely visible; now its very obvious how dirty it is. Not to panic I decide some soap and sponge would do the trick, but only to find that soapy water is worst than clear water! The car is covered in dried soap now!
Its noon and I’m standing under Dubai’s sun in mid august while the temperature is above 40 Celsius, how smart am I. Before I start getting a heat stroke I leave it and decide to take it to the car wash later in the day!

the WiseOne says
“to be wise, is to recognize ones own faults”

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