Saturday, August 26, 2006


Every big city, has the traffic curse, no matter how wide the lanes are there will be a traffic jam. Never mind the highways that are five lanes wide and has a decent speed limit of 120KpH, you will get stuck in traffic. I do understand the traffic we get in my city, you get stuck on U turn because the cars are rushing doing the road. I’m used to it, and somehow it defines the city. Plus you do move just an inch ever minute and half.

In a neighboring city, roads are of 2 lanes and most of the time there is construction going on, so it not only a tight drive but a bumpy one too. A thing I totally despise about that city is every few miles there is a roundabout, I hate them! First they are huge they are big enough to build a villa on top of them. Then the lanes are never lined up properly. Then there is the ugly factor, I never seen an uglier road!

I used to have a very short commute to university, it took 1 min to get out of the garage and into the parking lot of the campus. I was one of few blessed people in that campus, I never had to deal with traffic on the main roads early in the morning. Sadly as we all know good fortune do not last long thou I liked to think I’ve been always blessed, as even when I was at high school it was only a 5 min drive. Now the commute have drastically changed, I have to drive in an extremely busy high way on the outskirts of the city, which well take more than ½ hr to reach the new remote campus, it basically in the middle of the desert, the closest living thing is a 10 min drive away at least. I can no more return home to sleep off my 3 hrs break, nor can we go to the fast food drive thru to grab lunch.

Now wouldn’t it be pretty if the roads look just as the road in the picture in day time too, this is a picture of the street in front of our place at 2:00 am. Pretty huh.

The WiseOne say
“Never count your blessings, as you’ll eventually reach a sum”

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