Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The traveler

Long time ago a man born into a poor family lived in an unnamed village on the other side of the sea, took upon him to live a better life than that of his father. Barely ten years old he was sent with his older brother across the sea to seek a better life, in a new city he found shelter with unfamiliar darker faces.

As he grew up he found a job of fetching things and singing on ship; that sailed for months beyond the sea he have known. He sang with his young tender voice while his brother dove to unknown depths searching for white circles hidden in closed hard purple shells.

After few months out on the rough sea they reach the land, where they piled on goods to sell at their homeland. As they set back to the mainland their ship is filled with a new feeling. Their sails caught more wind and once the air was filled with fish and salts smells its now with spices and perfumes all giving them the sense of fulfillment.

Later on the sea lost it lure and the pearls was a hard sell commodity thou still precious. After the rough sea left it impression and the distant lands changed him into a man he was ready to get married.

In this new city he called home he found a young girl who became his wife and gave him a dozen of children. But first he had to work to provide for his new family so he left his new city and crossed the land to another new city were oil was found and people had better jobs. After few years he came back to marry his wife and take her of to a 3rd city were it promised a better life for future generations. There he rose up his children in pro-education community boys and girls alike. Then by the time his kids grew up, the first city have become a business bay so he moved his family there for his kids to grow in a flourishing space where they can grow and have a life better than that of their father.

A now 60 years passed, he retired from working in chemical plant and started to enjoy his life by still traveling on, not for a better life but for a simpler enjoyable one.

The wise one says
live the life you want and not the one you have’

Friday, July 13, 2007

Summer do i feel?

I recently just fallen into my usually summer mode, Up all night and sleeping all day; avoiding the sun on all circumstances. A month of summer just flied by, I don’t think I’ll ever have my summer vacation feeling back 3 moths of total blank schedules and just doing whatever whenever. This might be the only week I’ll ever have the chance to feel the same way I felt every summer since KG1.

Now summers are about summer courses, how much reading I can do before it and how much packing I have before I travel, then there is the traveling bit, no more trips to relax, nowadays I need to work double. It’s about how much I can learn in few months, and playing catch up with everything. Summer is getting hectic!

Thus I’ll enjoy my Week to the fullest, my phone will be off. I’ll have this week for my self! As it might very well be my last week to relax and enjoy my alone time. So far I’ve been baking and playing with kids, so very joyful, its time to change pace.

So recently I’ve found the videos website!! A gift from Heavn ‘God bless reemo’. I’ve been watching Judy Abbott ‘Daddy long leg’, that was one of my favorites cartoon as a kid, it was dubbed in Arabic back then. Now it’s in Japanese with subtitles, and yap now its anime not cartoon.

What else I just found this singer or group. Its amazing, so far all the songs are lovely!, they are called secondhand serenade! AWESOME

The sun is up now, so I suppose it’s time to sleep.

The wise Judy said
‘the snow falls equal on everything without prejudice’

Sunday, July 01, 2007

In her Memory

‘Prince William and Prince Harry will mark the 10th anniversary of their mother's death with an event to celebrate her life.’

How sweet of them, it just makes me look at what I’ve done to honor my mother’s life. 2 days ago marked the 8th anniversary of her death. It just passed by, just like that, nothing happened nothing at all.

It might be good as that day just marks the end, and we should be remembering her life. So we shouldn’t mark that day in our calendar, but rather remember all the 30 and some years before. I’m not sure I’d ever be able to do something so grand to honor my mother’s life.

Maybe one day I’ll be rich enough to build up a school for children in Nepal, and Mosque in Pakistan, and start up a cancer research center in my country in her name. Things that will show other people how even while she passed away some time ago she still leaves an impression in everyone life. Or maybe I’ll have something of her in me to pass on to others.

This isn’t meant to by sympathy attractor post, nor is it depressing. It just away to remind my self of what once was here, and still is with in us.

The wise one says
‘ Allah yer7mha wa ey’3med roo7a il jana’