Monday, February 09, 2009

Hopeful wishes and Helpless prayers.

If life was like ‘the island’, how great! Having spare parts is a good guarantee of healthy living to certain extend. Why can’t life be more like a sci-fi movie that’s filled with possibilities and like a fair tale, with happily ever after ending. How sweet it would be.

Cloning why isn’t it legal by now? In no way does mean that scientist are playing God, as God can create we can merely copy and hope God will provide it with the soul to live on. For the longest time I wanted to study it hoping one day I can clone a person, thou its has been my a naïve child dreams, it is so possible. Its bound to happen I hope. Then maybe we can have back those who we have lost due to death. It imposes it’s own ethical and moral questions, and surely it might be opposed by religion. But let a child’s dreams be.

I know there is little we could do but pray for those who are sick, if doctors play their roles, and the medicine is what it should be then with our prayers all shall be well again. I pray that I don’t have to pray the same prayers all over again, I pray that soon I won’t need to pray those prayers. Enshalla it all will be well.

The Wise One say
“When left helpless, there is always one more thing that can be done, PRAY”


Anonymous said...

glad you're back!! i loveeeeeeeee you!

Noaf said...

Luv ya too !