Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Lucky few

Its been said that the world's wealth is in the hand of only 1% of its people, the lucky 1%! How lucky do u need to be in that 1%? It’s been said 2% of all people are genius, I guess you just need a little less luck for that. Yet I envy neither groups, let them have their bliss, I’m content with my dimes and my average intellect.

The lucky ones I envy are those who can pick up and start anywhere with very little, why can’t I do that? The lucky ones that see the world as an endless home, they can make a life for themselves, the truly lucky ones are those who will consider everything as a possibility, ethnicity, culture, race nor religion makes a difference to them. I do not judge people along those lines but I take them in consideration. How wonderful would it be to just make a life for yourself in a new place, every time you need a new start you just pick and relocate, but starting all over again must be the hardest things, I’m always impressed by those who just seem to be able to start from zero at any time, my life is just a string of continuous events which eventually complete a story.

The lucky ones are those who have achieved so much with so little intelligence, with puffery they make it all sound smart, with big words they write articles of no content, but as most people get entangled in their word give it more value. The smarter ones are the ones that use people assumptions for their advantage, with others assuming they are too young, too old, too new, too dump, they get to get by by doing so much less than what the can do and just get by just fine. those i admire as they achieve just as much as any hardworking person.

There are always those lucky enough to better than me, those who have always seen the leaves ‘reference to greys anatomy: about wearing glasses’

The wise one says
‘the lucky ones, are those who have enough mouth to cover their teeth when they smile’

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