Sunday, February 18, 2007

Too Old To Jump!

It’s a sad truth when you realize you are too old to jump or run, I feel 11 years old in my head I can run up the hill and bungee jump of a cliff. While jumping in jumping castle have put on bed rest for a whole day, and running around a 1 year old have almost set me back 2 oxygen tanks. I still do think I have an eleven-year-old spirit inside me ready to run and jump.

When have I gotten too old to jump? What will happen by 31 brittle bones?

I think we all should change our life styles, before any of us get too fat to walk or too old to stand straight. We need to balance our diet stop the one meal routine most have established or the no meal at all and plenty of snack all day long.

Exercise is good, I should start my original exercise plan which by I park in the furthest parking spot in the parking lot. I think we should walk when we can drive and stand when we can sit.

You know how you will ever lose any access weight you got? its by posting your weight after every post you put on your blog,
I bet you’ll stick to whatever diet or exercise plan you set up for yourself. That will be very interesting, oh well next post I’ll put up my weight and height and see how many posts it will get me to lose the weight I want to lose and how much taller I might get (if only I could). I suppose 21 is too old for any sudden growth spurt huh.

Oh ya anyone feels they need to lose any weight or maybe need any casual exercise tips, I’ll be your fat buddy, who got plenty to say about both as I my self will be trying them out.

So best of luck too all those who have an 11 year old child trapped inside them.

The wiseone says
“Listen to the child within, for he is you honest voice”

1 comment:

F said...

Lol!... I know how you feel...

I am totally going through very much the same thing! :D

Good luck dude :P