Friday, November 24, 2006

Deja Vu

I feeling the my life is constant deja vu, and to me it very unpleasant feeling, its like I already know what will happen next. I don’t like knowing what will happen next, it either life is becoming very predictable or I’m becoming a psychic, thou these days I can’t do anything properly, what of telling the future then. It’s not like I predict good stuff, its all bad or trivial. And then again I don’t chose what to know and all of the time I know stuff that I got no interest in or I’m better off not knowing. Knowledge is power and it’s not always good.

Come to think about it, how come most villains are very educated or scientists, I really do like superman, and yesterday all the gas-station workers where dressed in Superman shirts, so I asked if the DVD is out, turns out yes. So I got into the little gas-station grocery shop and got me a Superman DVD. I must say Tom Welling is better looking superman. Ok the thing is Lex Luthor is very educated! After hearing him and his dad quoting so many people, I started wanting to read the Art of War!!
I love superman but lex luthor!! Is like a genius and with money!

The Wise One says
“All Superheroes are Orphans”

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