Saturday, November 25, 2006

What is life but what we make of it.

There is no complexity in this world it has been black or white, but with us the grey area been found. Life is a mere interpretation, and with each the vision is different.
Pain tells us that we are alive, and thus we need to do more than just endure pain. We need to create love and peace to feel them.
Each must lives their own life, go through his own experiences and support their own causes. Then one could say my life, which ultimately is ended by death.

Life we chose to lead is one that shall be looked and praised. Yet still we live in a very narrow vision or with no vision at all. We never stop to really have a look at where we are heading. Beauty escapes on daily basis, as we never pause to look.
Yet we see all the gruesome detail we leave behind, War, Hatred and much more. For we need to look at times were consolidate and lean on each other for support, those are times worth looking at.

the Wise One says
"We live a Blind's man life, with Open eyes"

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