Sunday, December 17, 2006

Old Age

This should be have been a great day, I’ve been waiting for this piece of paper for so long. I can no more care, it feels like I’m barely floating my way through the day, I lost my sense of time and space, I’m numb all over, stupid medicine I’m 21 in a couple of weeks and I feel as if I’m 64. I’ve come to realize my biological clock is way older than my self, and I’ve got an old soul to go with it.
When I turned 17 I had my mid life crisis, by this pace, if I reach 45 it would be a great achievement. As I mentioned in an earlier post “Plan 45” still stands, the grand party still happens and all is invited, but all need to keep me up to date with their current Address.
Anyhow, today I got the paper and as I always suspected I finished he course with distinction, I should have been very excited and happy, but all I was thinking about is to sleep, and how will I drive with out crashing the car with my buzzed out head. Al through the way I was about to pull aside and just sleep in the car, but with half closed eyes, and reciting every do3a and Quran verse I knew so God will help me reach home safely I got home, as always Allah is there for me you pray and he answers.
So when I got home I went straight to bed to sleep, and I was in balck space no dreams no nothing existed, until my idiot sister walked in and was on the phone, I woke up and realized I skipped to classes today, and I got plenty more to write.
Why can’t we just Sleep with no worries about waking up.

The wise one says
“Old age is sickness best friend”


3li said...

Firstly: Salamat for your accident in the previous posts.

Age is in your heart, dont worry about it, as long as you keep writing those beautiful poems of yours, your heart will be an everlasting verse in the poem of your life.

and on a strange note, my birthday is also in a few weeks, and I had a semi- midlife crisis early on too :-)

Noaf said...

thanks for the post first...

So lets make one big party ;),, as i do desperately in need of a good cheer.


3li said...

Your welcome... anytime