Saturday, December 16, 2006

Once in A Dark night

I’ll close my eyes and fall into deep sleep, no alarms would wake me up not any life engagements. A time when I won’t have to wake up for School or worry about a test. A time friends and family are irrelevant, all that matters is the empty space I float in. No dreams occupying my sleeping head no nightmares haunting my very existence.
It’s not dieing I desire, but something else. Where it doesn’t matter what that girl says about me nor what that guy thinks. A place I exist on my own with out missing anyone else, no Dead mother and no Dead brother. A place hatred and love do not exist, nothing exist but the empty black space and me.

The wise one Says
“a clear mind is a sane mind”


3li said...

You want to escape the world, you want to escape the lie.

You say you want true solace, yet you dont want to die.

But by shutting yourself out with solace, you wont survive.

Walk with the living, bear the pain, be alive.

Noaf said...

Nicely written!