Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A New Year

Another year has passed and little to look at and smile. All that passed has passed none leaf a lasting stain. Into history it all concludes, 20 a distant memory a number between now and tomorrow. I do smile for tomorrow to come for I know it’s a better day. I know all grows, blossoms and then withers and die. All live their life and no ones else time, all get their share and for that they shall be glad.
I do realize there are many hopes to hope, many dreams to dream, and many moments to embrace. I know many shall smile and wish me a great year, what is a year but a time from now and then.
Ageless like the times my sadness has been, but with a bright smile I shy the sun to an eclipse, for none to say I’ve darkened my life. For all I share more hides, to many and few I am who they think I am, and to you and me I’m as true as I come.
Tonight it all concludes, a new year a new dream a new hope shall all arise, and into tomorrow it shall set.

The wise one says
“Happy Birthday”

1 comment:

3li said...

happy birthday girl...