Sunday, January 28, 2007


I suppose forgiving someone who truly has hurt you is quite hard. Here is my philosophy your must forget the incident so by it’s not bothering you thus no need for the forgiving part, some time in future u might be reminded by the incident but because you don’t recall it by yourself you’ll be inclined to forgive. This doesn’t require a big warm heart or a kind soul, yet it might not work for the vengeful hearts and those who hold a grudge dearly to their hearts. Holding a grudge and planning your vengeance isn’t just time consuming it also adds to your stress

Then again this might only work with me because I’m a very forgetful person. By the end of the semester everything piles up and there are more thing to remember so my forearm acted as a chalkboard.

The wise one says
“A forgetful mind makes a clear head”


ADinamorato said...

its more wise to say treat people the way you want to be treated. If you want to be forgiven for your mistakes, you have to forgive others for their mistakes too.

Loushi... said...

very interestin issue to talk about in here..

for me its i forgive and it depends on the person.. i really sometimes have to keep in mind what theyve done just to keep me reminded that i stop expecting alot from them.. nt that i act differently or anythin!! and my feelings do remain the same..

and as adinamorato said "treat people the way you want to be treated" but the thing is.. alot of people do not treat u the way u treat them!!