Monday, January 01, 2007

On a Happy Note

Last year is a bygone, and we shouldn’t dwell on the past, let bygones be bygones.
Today is a new start, it’s a refreshing morning, and all out to celebrate the new start, and I with.
There is lost to do this year, Weddings, birthdays and graduations all reasons to merry and happy today. A new plan to set in motion, a very promising year this is, my resolutions, are to be chirpy as humming bird, radiant as the sun, and let the gloominess stay with the “Old Spirit of 20”. I’m going to be healthy! I’ll eat some sort of a vegetable, maybe tomatoes! “Sure;)“ I’ll get some exercise and stop being a coach potato, be more active. I’ll finish my h.w’s!!!! I’ll apply for universities!! I’ll graduate!! I’ll be a better friend. I’ll be less blunt and more diplomatic. “Isn’t Hypocrisy the new commodity.”
All in all, this is a good year!

The Wise Man says
“Tomorrow is new day”

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