Wednesday, January 31, 2007


In happiness my heart rejoices, dancing away the sadness this night. For all that sadness we see, there is a lot to be happy about. So many times I wrote about things that upsets me, yet never about the happy moments. Today I’m gleeful as hope makes everything happy even if just in an idea.
Hope is all you need as it will make you happy in your present and delightful in your future. In a world consume by hatred and war, you start to doubt the chances of happiness of surviving. What rebuild a city after tanks and bombs turn it to ruin but hope. What keeps a cancer patient smiling other than hope.

Things that rekindled hope.
- I’ve just watched the motorcycle dairies and I’ve felt at ease. This is a film that speaks of the misfortunes of some and how one kind word or act change a lot. It’s just a very hopeful look at life.
- I went to Cirque du soliel, and the show was about the ordinary people you’d usually pass by it was very magical and amazing. It told an ordinary life story with no dialogue it’s truly an experience.
- The national football team have won, and that was a very joyful moments, hope in football rekindled.
It’s been a great week, hope it stay like that.

the wise man says
"there is no life without hope"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I guess that's why I am fortunate to have you around, to remind me that there's still a tiny bit of goodness around and I should seriously chill and get a life!

I miss you already (and wierdly enough the idiotic class and all our stupidity)

p.s the guy playing Alberto in TMCD is so cute, he reminds me with mike from Prison Break for some reason.