Monday, February 26, 2007

When Believing Counts for nothing

Today I’ve put some color on my face so I won’t feel pale. I wore my high heels to feel tall and grand. I pulled it off i was taller than everyone and I looked healthy. With my new façade I truly believed I’ll pull it off and have improved some how.

I walked into the temp clinic hoping that my hemoglobin is high now, I truly felt strong and healthy. Then me and Blondie went in thou she wasn’t really happy about the needles she was there, and that says plenty about her character. For the rest of my friends all I’ll say we Need more friends like Blondie incase I or they ever need blood.

I know that I knew that I won’t have 13.5 hemoglobin, simply cuz I’ve never seen that number in my life but I still help to my who believing system. Last time I checked was 2 years ago to qualify for surgery it was 10.4 and that was good enough, and today it was 10.2 dumb luck, crappy blood.

They say good intentions count, with no results they are pointless. I should work on getting my hemoglobin higher and then I’ll host my own blood drive.

I suppose I’ll have to find another way to do good. I’ve concluded that I’ll be an organ donor. If I couldn’t help advance science I’ll do my best to help in any way possible.

The wise man says
“the way to hell is paved with good intentions”


Anonymous said...

Hey Noafy,

It's okay don't feel down. Last time I checked, I was exactly 10. I wasn't there yesterday and even if I were I didn't want to have to hear again that I don't qualify, and my blood is crappy too.

You could still do good, everyday, in so many different ways. And if you still want to try getting your hemoglobin up, then we'll work on it together. (but no pills :P )

3li said...

No crushed panadol... No starving :-)

F said...

The Road To Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions... <--- I loved that when we friet heard it.. from the "wise one" as you seem to have called him... Though I wonder why... lol...

Anyway good on ya for being an organ donar!!... and believe me I only went because I was inspired that someone actualy cared... If someone cares that much, then I sure as hell will care too!!... Thanx for the inspiration dude :P