Friday, March 02, 2007

Why Do You Smoke?

Every time I see a person smoking I get a compelling urge to say/do something. We all know that smoking causes lung cancer and heart disease..etc, and more bluntly on some packets there is a “SMOKING KILLS” sticker on it; yet people smoke. I hope that in this part of the world more bold signs would be around not those size 5 read types that gives you a might be or not warning.

Shouldn’t closed areas ban smoking, for the obvious reason that less ventilation there is so whatever clean air there is; should be cherished! Now the pipe and cigar thing are more of a “gentlemen club” thing not a walk in park or mall type of smokes I’d say.

Worst off why do you smoke around children! I can’t fathom why a father or a mother would smoke around their children. Shouldn’t smokers be away from kids, yet there are plenty smokers hanging around kids all the time, in parks in shopping malls and in arcades.

Smoking does not only kill the smokers, but all that are around them too. I wouldn’t mind smoking if all smokers went and lived on remote island and took all of their fumes with them.

So smokers quit, or die before you kill.

The Wise man says
“ there is no smoke without fire”

1 comment:

3li said...

Die before you kill... You warrior, you.