Friday, April 27, 2007


Recently I’ve found joy in Cup-caking, I never thought that I’d be good at the kitchen but after seeing the light as pointed by noora&Budoor I see the joy in baking. So I decided to bakes some for my cousin it goes without saying I burned the first batch!.. it all went completely black! So I tried the next batch this time I stayed glued to the oven window for 15 minutes watching the cupcakes slowly raise! Then I iced them and they looked all so lovely. I get them to my cousin’s house and they all loved it!

After all there is hope for me in the kitchen! i’ll try making cookies next time. Simple things do bring great joy. I got a new DVD player though still I haven’t watched anything on it I’m so happy knowing I can watch whatever I want whenever I want.
This pace of life suits me very well, now I can sleep as late as I want I can go out as much as I want, and at last I can feel bored!

Though now I don’t see my friends as much starting to be more family loyal. I like the time alone watching TV & reading.

We should all have a period in the year were we just relax doing our usual routine but in a slower pace. It’s healthy to change your pace every while and then. Last couple of months was about running from one thing to another.

So I do hope everyone get their Slow period and try to relax, at the pace most are going by people will get heart at attacks while they are still in their twenties!

the Wise one says
"Don't swim against the flow"

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Am i So !?


Upisy Daisy..

the wise one says
"and who said flying is only for the birds?"

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Only few have it

Recently I’ve come to realize with the help of friends that we seem to attract the worst genes from either side of the parents. If your mom side are chubby people you won’t get the skinny genes from your dad side, naaah you’ll surely be more to the fat side. If your mom side had soft thick black hair, you get stuck with your dad frizzy hair genes.

Some things can be helped and modified, you always can try out hair treatments and get on a diet to lose or keep off the extra kilos. I got the worst trait ever in our gene pool ‘hand and voice tremor’ AKA Familial tremor. There is worst things to inherit but this does hold up in the top 10 worst genes in the family pool.

It’s all in the genes! Despite that its the way we live that dictates our strengths and weakness. For instant though the tremor is not really curable, I can control it. If I’m not tired I won’t shakes as much, if I sleep long hours the tremor will be less, if I don’t get excited scared or stressed my voice will hold up just fine. If I don’t eat a lot and fix up my diet and work out more I won’t be fat.

At the end it depend on how much we want to take control. Everything is changeable and doable if we only exert the effort.

The wise one says
“You don’t need to be French or Japanese to be slim”

Monday, April 02, 2007

Red Tape

i patched up OG!..
and who doubted that i'll tape her in shape !

i'm glad to say she is holding up well today.. tomorrow is the real endurance test...

the wise one says
"it only takes faith for things to stick together"

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Sorry OG

Poor Orangeeta Garambeta she has been through a lot through in her first year. I haven’t been the best caretaker I’ve dragged her through mud and along the tar. She has endured so much of my absent mind misshapes, she have taken so much beating and crashes. OG is still in her first year but poor thing got wrinkles of a 30 year old. D-trap hasn’t seen so much torture from me, though she deserved it. DT is well older than OG and even than me yet she is in good shape for her age. Today we needed DT’s help but the old hag ran out of battery juice ‘perfect timing’ and OG got an open wound yet to be nurses, so far she got some bandages until she sees a professional mender.

So here this is a post to OG sorry luv for all the hurt I caused you, you know that I never meant it. It was an accident one that happens more often than I’d like to acknowledge.

Scars adds mystery of not personality so don’t worry my luv you look beautiful

The wise one says
“it takes an imaginative mind to give objects personalities, and insane one to bring them alive”