Thursday, April 05, 2007

Only few have it

Recently I’ve come to realize with the help of friends that we seem to attract the worst genes from either side of the parents. If your mom side are chubby people you won’t get the skinny genes from your dad side, naaah you’ll surely be more to the fat side. If your mom side had soft thick black hair, you get stuck with your dad frizzy hair genes.

Some things can be helped and modified, you always can try out hair treatments and get on a diet to lose or keep off the extra kilos. I got the worst trait ever in our gene pool ‘hand and voice tremor’ AKA Familial tremor. There is worst things to inherit but this does hold up in the top 10 worst genes in the family pool.

It’s all in the genes! Despite that its the way we live that dictates our strengths and weakness. For instant though the tremor is not really curable, I can control it. If I’m not tired I won’t shakes as much, if I sleep long hours the tremor will be less, if I don’t get excited scared or stressed my voice will hold up just fine. If I don’t eat a lot and fix up my diet and work out more I won’t be fat.

At the end it depend on how much we want to take control. Everything is changeable and doable if we only exert the effort.

The wise one says
“You don’t need to be French or Japanese to be slim”


Anonymous said...

love the new look.

Anonymous said...

hun,i like ur style,celebrate what u have,enjoy it,and thank god 4 it