Monday, October 02, 2006


The present is a repetition of the past and the future is a repetition of the present; ultimately its all a repetition of History. And that’s why we study history. After sleeping through 60% of the classes and leaving the class 30% of the time, and getting 61% each term I realized its use. I knew I wasn’t stupid when it came to studying, because one semester I realized I should try and study otherwise i’m very close to failing the course, so I did my best not to fall asleep while reading the material and I got 95/100 on the test. I passed the course and never again took American History again. I can see now the point of teaching it, but surely I’ll never study it again. So this flash back to grade 10, is due to listening to the song Try not to cry- for Sami Yusuf and Outlandish.

the WiseOne says
"Make your own Mistakes, and do not repeat anyones Glory"

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