Friday, October 20, 2006


What does it matter, if you have someone you could trust and call a best friends, or if you had no one at all you could trust. For one thing I’m sure off, is that there is no one you can completely trust. Not a sister, nor a friend. They all repeat what you say, parrots are at least more honest about it.
Trusting others is pointless you only set up your self for disappointments. Why do we need some one to share our secrets with, secrets are meant to stay that way.
We all need a friend to talk to, a sister/brother to fight with and we all need some one to love, still we can’t trust any, humans are built up not to be flawless but to be learners.
They tell you need to trust someone, I say just have faith in people, and don’t trust them. They all fail you in one way or another.
Everyone has a secret, yet I who do not want to know them, always find secrets unfolding. i try so hard to forget them, as they destroy faith.

My only wish is people keep their secrets hidden, as faith is vital for our existence .

the Wise One says
“Trust no one, to stay surprised”

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