Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sound from Hell

Why doesn’t good luck stay for long, for some reason or another good luck always seems to be a trickful thing. For a while it treats you well, you get good grades, you get to eat all that your heart desire, you get to wake up knowing its going to be a good day. AND you buy you first Mac laptop! Some how luck seems to run out as money runs out after buying the Mac. I was very happy and joyful, until that moment, when you are happily chatting about you delightful day and everything stops for a second time freeze and mouths drop! And your mac has flipped of the table and on to the floor. Paralyzed by the sudden change of luck! You wait for some one to say pick it up!! I do and I turn it on, and it starts doing this funny noise (no there is nothing funny about it, its sounds like cutting bones!) so here you are hoping nothing bad happens! And you say I still believe in my luck and good fortune, so I go home & everything works fine, but still there is the sound from hell haunting you, I so do hope I’d wake up tomorrow and the sounds would leave me alone me and my mac, and tomorrow will be another happy day.

The WiseOne says
"Luck has nothing to do with life"

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