Sunday, June 25, 2006

Summer Trips

Summer vacation Began and everyone ran, Dubai is to hot in summer thus most of us leave and try to find cooler places, or at least that is the case of my people, one friend went to Prague, and the other left to Italy just hours ago on a school trip, and my other friend is leaving soon to London to work in cancer research centre, and I’m packing up and leaving in less the 24 hrs I’m hoping I’d get lucky and the weather in Scotland will be nothing hot, I’d be happy if it rained everyday :D

Today I helped my friend to pack up for her trip so we stayed up all night as she has to get ready before dawn and leave by it, so there was no point of sleeping and then waking up. So now here I am haven’t yet slept, its 7 30 in the morning already, and I must head out in less than 3 hrs then get home and finish packing. I hope I could sleep the rest of the day off!.

Traveling is fun! Its only the packing the hurts, funny how my bag always seem to fill up. I hope it closes! I hoping for cold weather.

The WiseOne says
‘the trips is the journey and not the destination”

Monday, June 19, 2006


We think highly of those stand by their principles and those who have a strong values system, and over all we believe morals makes us civilized.

Yet rarely there are any who fits this image, we think someone is for only we know them more we know better than to think them to be like what we first thought.

Why do always aspire for the unattainable, or why do our role models have to be flawless, we only set ourselves to be disappointed. We must have a healthier perspective of others. Whatever seems to be good to be true then most probably it isn’t true.

No one is greater than you unless you think they are, no one is better than you unless you believe that they are. You can stay disappointed by people or you can chose to see the little things that makes us all unique, and for that think they are good.

The WiseOne says
“To be great you’ll need to excel in being a human first”

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Parallel universe

We enjoy fantasizing about another life, one which we had all we wanted one where we chose in which family we are born in, we dream of being an only child or having a twin brother. It simply dreams and all in our head.

What if someone don’t only fantasize about another world, but actually speaks of it as if it exists, not as if they’ve gone mad and started mixing reality with fantasy. But they lie about their life to people to make it better! Silly you might think, but there are such people.

I know this person, and what I hear she tells others about her self is so bizarre, why would u say you got no sisters, when you got 3 ! at first I’d assume people are talking about someone else, but eventually it turns out its the same person, and that’s only the start of it.

I start to think she lives in 2 worlds, one in which all she thinks is true, is it possible. is there a parallel universe where she exists in and all of this is true?

The WiseOne say
“Don’t try to fly, when you got no wings to spread”

Friday, June 09, 2006

Losing Faith

I’m proud of my religion, and I believe I have a strong faith and I’m committed to it. Yet I refuse to believe only my people will be in heaven and all rest are doomed. I believe in my religion and so do others, are we doomed by our beliefs. Faith is our haven in this life, it what makes things better we nothing makes sense.

If we don’t belong to the same faith, does it mean I can’t love you or at least like you. Why are we defined by our religions, and what of those who have no religion, are they all doomed. How come We believe who isn’t like us is going to be in hell. Why can’t we simply hold to our faith with out insulting other faiths. Why it has to be one religion or another, I believe my religion is the right one, but I can’t force my belief on others, why can’t we simply co-exist.

When I say I respect other Religions, and that I don’t challenge them, I'm told that I’m not proud of my Religion. When i say we need to co-exist and let each religion alone, I’m said to be losing faith. Its always said we need to express ourselves and our religion. How is it right to express your self and step on someone else. They say we need to spread our faith the righteous religion why are we so sure that ours is the right one. I’m not doubting my religion in any way. Yet if I say this out loud I’d be said to be losing faith. Why are we the right ones. How come everyone seem to be just doing just well if not better than us if they are in the wrong.

The WiseOne says
“Faith is never lost, as it is never gained, it simply exists with in you”

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Truly inspirational

There those who shine in life, not because of their intellect or magnificence, but rather shine in their modesty. They do are the ones who do great things and by that they succeed in this life. They shine through the gratitude of others and with the acknowledgment they are overwhelmed. Those people who truly deserve to be awarded those people who inspire me to be a better person.

Today those people were acknowledged, they were rewarded and thanked. And everyone of them wasn’t shining in glory on the stage but rather with modesty, first they thanked others and never in their speech mentioned them selves as driving force, they remained thankful to all.

When u meet someone, and that someone makes you want more and be better as person, that person should be valued highly.

My teacher of SBS, have inspired me to not to stereotype anyone and to accept everyone as they are and for what they stand for, and love them for that.
I believe you must see what person is truly is and only then you can see their potentials.

This Man has been the photographer of the royalties in this land, and when he took my picture all I thought was that I’ll grow to be like these royalties. He made me dream a bigger dream.

Then there were my friends they had worked so hard and never truly complain, today they were awarded and they truly deserved it, and still all they did was say thank you.

Those people inspired today

The WiseOne says
“inspiration, is a hope of magnificence”