Sunday, June 25, 2006

Summer Trips

Summer vacation Began and everyone ran, Dubai is to hot in summer thus most of us leave and try to find cooler places, or at least that is the case of my people, one friend went to Prague, and the other left to Italy just hours ago on a school trip, and my other friend is leaving soon to London to work in cancer research centre, and I’m packing up and leaving in less the 24 hrs I’m hoping I’d get lucky and the weather in Scotland will be nothing hot, I’d be happy if it rained everyday :D

Today I helped my friend to pack up for her trip so we stayed up all night as she has to get ready before dawn and leave by it, so there was no point of sleeping and then waking up. So now here I am haven’t yet slept, its 7 30 in the morning already, and I must head out in less than 3 hrs then get home and finish packing. I hope I could sleep the rest of the day off!.

Traveling is fun! Its only the packing the hurts, funny how my bag always seem to fill up. I hope it closes! I hoping for cold weather.

The WiseOne says
‘the trips is the journey and not the destination”

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