Saturday, June 03, 2006

Truly inspirational

There those who shine in life, not because of their intellect or magnificence, but rather shine in their modesty. They do are the ones who do great things and by that they succeed in this life. They shine through the gratitude of others and with the acknowledgment they are overwhelmed. Those people who truly deserve to be awarded those people who inspire me to be a better person.

Today those people were acknowledged, they were rewarded and thanked. And everyone of them wasn’t shining in glory on the stage but rather with modesty, first they thanked others and never in their speech mentioned them selves as driving force, they remained thankful to all.

When u meet someone, and that someone makes you want more and be better as person, that person should be valued highly.

My teacher of SBS, have inspired me to not to stereotype anyone and to accept everyone as they are and for what they stand for, and love them for that.
I believe you must see what person is truly is and only then you can see their potentials.

This Man has been the photographer of the royalties in this land, and when he took my picture all I thought was that I’ll grow to be like these royalties. He made me dream a bigger dream.

Then there were my friends they had worked so hard and never truly complain, today they were awarded and they truly deserved it, and still all they did was say thank you.

Those people inspired today

The WiseOne says
“inspiration, is a hope of magnificence”

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