Sunday, June 11, 2006

Parallel universe

We enjoy fantasizing about another life, one which we had all we wanted one where we chose in which family we are born in, we dream of being an only child or having a twin brother. It simply dreams and all in our head.

What if someone don’t only fantasize about another world, but actually speaks of it as if it exists, not as if they’ve gone mad and started mixing reality with fantasy. But they lie about their life to people to make it better! Silly you might think, but there are such people.

I know this person, and what I hear she tells others about her self is so bizarre, why would u say you got no sisters, when you got 3 ! at first I’d assume people are talking about someone else, but eventually it turns out its the same person, and that’s only the start of it.

I start to think she lives in 2 worlds, one in which all she thinks is true, is it possible. is there a parallel universe where she exists in and all of this is true?

The WiseOne say
“Don’t try to fly, when you got no wings to spread”

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