Tuesday, October 31, 2006

and Suddenly

everything changes, every thing changes, civilizations turn to ruins and Humanity becomes debatable, and all of a sudden truth becomes adjustable.

Nothing stays the same, dictators become victimized and villain are virtuous and of unwavering principals.

Logical loses all of it sense, as the righteous become extremist and the shameless are considered courageous.
Reality is a relative variable, to be dismissed or reconstructed as any cynical heart desires.

All that once was correct and right is questionable. As morals and ethics are constrains of self expression. Everything that once was clear is now blurry. Everything is up to being debated and all have a conflicting interpretation.

Once a great leader and persona, today in the subject of the public debate and what is his/her sexual preferences, and the more eccentric the more accepted the opinion was. Once criminals today are victims of society, and history is jsut another tale once told and which is now very much doubted.

Everything changes, nothing stays the same.

The Wise One Says
“History, is a tell tale of One”

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