Friday, October 27, 2006

Since 2003

2003 was the year where one journey ended and another was initiated. I’m not sure that my next journey ever was set to motion, and if it did I’m sure I’ve reached no destination, for I do not know where is it or what is my destination. I had a plan that never got played out, and thus 3 years later everything is fuzzy and unclear. I knew where I was headed I knew how to get there and what I’ll become after that. But that journey was halted from the start.

I just moved with the flow of the things, and became a drifter and as one I had no aim no point. 3 year after life shaped my perspective, I used to try and make life fit me but now I see we all just fit in our places, as we are part of life and the world doesn’t revolve around us.

I know this I did nothing significant in this world, as hunger, anger, hatred and poverty are to large of problems for me on my own to solve. Yet still I believe I can make a change, maybe not now but sometime soon in some place I’ll have an effect on people. I want to have a touch on every one I ever meet. So like in the series “Rosewell” the aliens when they touch someone to help/cure or something they leave a glowing hand. So at my funeral when all the people come they would have on their bodies a glowing hand metaphorically but literally would be awesome.

The Wise One says
“Searching for the meaning of life, is living in theory”

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