Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Are we born in our Role? Or do we grow to fit a certain role, and out grow another. Are we committed to those roles or do we change them ever so frequently as we change our costumes from one play to another. Then what is constant if our roles are just changeable variables. Identity, Character and personality are all formed by the roles we play, if that’s in a constant change then what makes us “us”.
Do we chose the roles we play, or are they reinforced on us by society, family, friends and life.

I’m an introvert but everyone thinks I’m an extrovert, is this a façade I’ve put on unconsciously, or am i a poor judge of my own character. Does this means I’m hypocrite, for I believe one thing and act another way.
Are some roles easier to play than others, for instance I have the role a dumb clumsy girl in the family, I never get the society talk and interest in other society member affairs and I never know the people worth knowing. Then I’m the smart bright girl at school, I understand every new concept quiet easily and quickly, I ask all of the smart question, and discuss all of the important things, I know the people worth knowing in this field. Doesn’t this make our roles very contradicting, isn’t it either smart or dumb.

We are very contradicting creatures, we eat meat and raise goats as pets . We eat chicken and we got canaries as pets.

The Wise One says
“Embrace deformations, as reformation can be ugly”

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