Sunday, June 10, 2007

Clueless happiness

Since ever I had a weak memory, I always forget people, situations and places. It can be a curse in a way, all the time I need to be reminded by something happened or of some place or someone. Then it can be a blessing you forget the pain you felt once and the misery you lived, and so u smile on.

Sadly when you get a bunch of awful memories, you try your best to forget them but you end up forgetting everything except those moments you desperately want to erase. Then suddenly you are erasing a person all together! You try desperately to recall some moments, that you start inventing some of your own, then the thin line between your imagination and vague memories blur and it all mixes up. Then in truth you can’t anymore trust your memory. So now you got nothing bad thing you wish you can erase. And you relay on someone’s else accounts of events you’ve lived.

One day you stop trying to remember, blocking it all out, and suddenly you forget it all! There is nothing there, and you are in a clueless happiness.

then a tiny winy memory sneaks in, and you question this happiness you live.

Well let lost memories be lost, they won’t change the present nor the future, only mess you up and get you back to a place you’ve escaped long ago.

So I believe I’m blessed to be extremely forgetful. It keeps me smiling!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

although you looked tough, i knew you were trying to feel that too. when even i, the most indifferent of all people, couldn't help but cry.