Sunday, June 17, 2007

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!!

Tomorrow is my final and last exam! I’m not graduating yet I feel as I’m very much done! I’m so ready to move onto my next big project ‘whatever that might be’.

I’ve got a marketing test tomorrow yet I’m very excited I can’t sleep! It’s not like something special happening tomorrow, but it’s the time of new possibilities. This might be very well the first summer I really am excited about. I wanna do so many things most ‘which I’ll never get around to’.

So I’ll just list them down for fun, and see which will be ticked by the end of summer ‘inshalla’

This summer Noaf plans to do the following: ‘inshalla’

- Volunteer at some center in the city.
- Travel to Austria.
- Lose weight
- Start exercising
- Learn French
- Set up a cupcake website
- Get involved in writing material for a youth website
- Work on her tan
- Learn to apply makeup
- Learn to blow dry her hair
- Learn more on photo editing
- Work on her portfolio
- Be more active

So that what I hope to get to do this summer, with some will power and determination and in God’s speed, it will all be done inshalla!

The Wise one says
'2 Dhs for ever 2 lbs??'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

since i won't be leaving the country until the end of July to some idiotic snowy mountains. we could hang out [make use of our geographical proximity] and work on these things, i have a list that i didn't get around writing yet. i am just too depressed about aging and ending everything and just worried about my cluelessness. it's like post-20 crisis.

so cupcaking website seem like a fine thing to do :P we'll work on layout and let our IT-genius figure out the coding. we'll live in a triangle between my place, yours, and budoor's. t7amast.