Tuesday, June 05, 2007

How do u know its summer?

Today I noticed it’s Summer already!.. Hurricane, thunderstorms are forecasted for tomorrow I hope that means some rain!

So how do u know its summer?

- You swap your feather/cotton blanket for regular single sheet.
- You take a cold shower, for it turns to be just very steamy instead.
- You pull you hair up, and start thinking of cutting it short.
- You turn your car AC, and still it’s a greenhouse, u can now grow plants in you back seat.
- You start wearing summer dresses, anything with no sleeves and above the knee.
- You always carry an extra shirt, to change in.
- You start finishing your water bottle even before getting to class.
- You don’t step a foot at ‘uptown Madriff’.
- You sleep during the day, and wake up feeling all sticky.
- Every AC is on, with no real effect.
- You take another shower, hoping the water is cold, and no luck.
- You start saying you’ll go tan, you’ll walk outdoor more, then it’s a week and u haven’t stepped outside!
- You don’t study anymore, though you got exams ahead.

So ya it’s summer alright!! It’s sooooooooooo HOT!!!!!!

Why do we like summer !

The wise one ‘left to a cooler place’

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