Sunday, June 03, 2007

are you happy?

I think that we chase happiness all the time and worry about never obtaining it. While in fact we can just rest and be happy. Happiness isn’t an attainable object it’s a state of mind and soul. If your happy you don’t need money or a significant over ‘thou sure they will make life better and maybe happier’.

Then again we always express our sadness and grief to the fullest, but when we are happy we hide it worried it will get stolen. I think we should share both equally if not give happiness more time and space.

I really do find myself happy doing simple things, playing with kids, baking, going to the beach, typing, sleeping. If we allow our selves to feel good we will be happy all the time, even on exam week.

I’m happy today, knowing that I can feel the way I do with no obligations to others. I don’t have to worry about tomorrow, because it will come either ways. I feel content with life I have, I have great friends and family, I live in a lovely city. I don’t need more money, nor a fancy house and car. There might never be mister right, I might never be the next big name, I might not live to see tomorrow. But now at this moment I can say I’m thankful for all that I have, and I’m grateful to be born at this time in this place and with my religion.

This post is for all the times I seemed depressed or unhappy through my previous posts. Happiness to me is easily expressed and I live it, I might write in a darker mood only because I think sadness should be written down and not expressed in your actual life, it will taint your life.

Lets be happy, oh yap this all started because a couple of people said a nice thing to me. They reminded me that we should try and share our happy moments.

The wise one says
‘Thank you God for all of your blessings’

1 comment:

Mai said...
