Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Face just don't Stare

You don’t put you hand on fire because you know it will burn you, you don’t eat what you know tastes bad, and that’s the way it ought to be. But here comes the people who do everything they know they don’t really enjoy, its one thing to face your demons and another to keep starting at them!, that way you are just provoking them to hurt you. I mean fear is usually a safety reflex, u get scared of what could hurt you and discomfort you.

So I got this friend who just adores horror movies, I for one cant see the point in sitting in a dark theatre half empty, with scary music a disfigured faced, it scares me and being scared isn’t really an enjoyable feeling. So my friends keeps on dragging me into such films. I’m the kind of person who focuses on the film, an hate hearing anything else, this friends screams, jumps, pull my clothes and the silliest part she would actually say run hide to the characters! And she keeps on saying I’m sacred, if your scared why do u come here in the first place, how do u enjoy a movie when ur yelling through it.

The WiseOne says
“People are too wise for my taste, I prefer animals”

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