Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Can you Jog?

Recently I’ve realized I can’t jog, I either walk fast or run jogging is quite impossible. So here is what I thought this might very well reflect moderation, I mean if you can control your pace not to be slow or fast then it might mean that you are moderate person.

So I think it takes a great deal of strength and skill to be able to control yourself. It’s funny how simple things can reveal a lot.

Life is wonderful some might run all the way through it and in their busy state pass by most of it beauty. They just need to remember to slow down and pause to enjoy it every once in a while.

Then there are those who stroll all the way, no worries in the world as if everyday is another afternoon stroll in the park. Those at the end of their lives find that they’ve lived in vain they didn’t produce anything and they’ve wasted it all.

Then come those who can jog, they got it right. Those are the ones who have balanced their lives quite well. They are productive individuals of the society and still they do enjoy their days.

The wise one says
“Balance out the evil by the good”

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