Thursday, May 17, 2007

it's all in our minds

All the things we desire and want are attainable. I recently watch ‘The Secret’ it’s a wonderful film, it validated a lot for me. For the longest time I thought that I’m different than other people. I used to tell my friends that I don’t stress about things because if I only wished for them to happen then they will. When faced by a problem I don’t stress I always say things will always fall in their place. i’ve always told my friends if you just sleep and don’t stress about it; it will work out on its own. Some would say I’m avoiding the problems and I don’t confront them, so far everything worked out so well.

I think it’s all about positive thinking if you can visualize it, it will materialize. I don’t know about the theory of thought attracting things, but I know this much if I thought of something bad and visualized it most likely to happens, and so with positive thoughts.

It’s not something you can expect to work as soon as you think your thought, you have to think positively and try to see the positives in your life.

I used to get sick very often, and I used to complain about it a lot! Until one friend told me you only get sick because you think you are and you obsess about it. Since then whenever I got a cold I’d think I’m not sick and it’s just a flu, due to that way of thinking I’m now always feeling healthy and whatever cold I get would end quickly.

Then there is the thing with feelings according to ‘the secret’ there are two emotions bad or good. What we call sadness, grief, depression and so on are only variations of the same feelings. The first time I felt grief it took me years to get over it, until I realized if I didn’t take control of my feelings then they’ll ruin my life. I concluded I’ll feel sadness but I’ll end it when I choose and never let it drag on. Recently I was bummed about turning 21 and before few days of my birthday I was depressed, and all of my friend were worried and tried to cheer me up, I told them by new year which is just 3 days after I turned 21 I’ll be over it. I gave my self the space and time to feel what I needed to feel, and by new-year I ended it. You might think that isn’t possible to turn on and off an emotion. If you think its possible then it is, to get back to feeling good, I got out of my room I spent more time with people I haven’t seen in a long while and the most important thing is that I changed my music play-list. All you need to change you mood is to starting changing physical things you have control off and then it will change also.

Whatever it is you want you can achieve if only you start thinking that you can and preferably act on it in a positive way.

The wise one says
‘ destiny is but the ending of the story we wrote’

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i really like your posts recently, they cheer me up. Missing you :D