Saturday, May 26, 2007

Do we play our roles, or cast them?

There is this thought I’ve always ponder, and I’m sure everyone have thought about it once or more.

In my culture and religion, we are told there is destiny and maybe things are pre-written for us. When you can’t picture your future, you’d be told not to worry about it and leave it for destiny to sort it out. Then at ever job interview they ask you where do you see your self in the future 5 years or even 10.

Then if our densities are pre-written, are we just pawns moving in our set courses. Then we are told you go either told hell or heaven based on our earthly doings. Then we are the writer of our lives, and then destiny isn’t written. We achieve as much as we desire and work for so there isn’t anything written for us. Is life not a rehearsal or a play that we will be judged upon and be awarded heaven or hell accordingly?

Does this say that destiny is our own fabrication and answer; for when we got no vision or answer about our futures. After all we can’t tell the future.

The wise one says
‘Plays mimic life’

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