Saturday, September 09, 2006

All of the Ugly Places

Summer is over and we just got through the first week of our academic year, for the first time I got to know the other side of my city the Desert-still in construction- side ( where i currently study at). I always had this pretty perception of my city, busy roads with fancy cars, tall glass buildings green views and clean streets. One windy day in the other side of the city and my perceptions changed what I considered to be my big city has become a small student village, with dust and sand to be the dominant part over people.
I can not find the prettiness in this place. Yet my pal visited another ugly part of the city and loved it! I thought it is just plain ugly, and now where I go every day is pretty ugly too, I wish my friend is here to see this ugly place too, I bet she’d love it. The plain ugly place is in the picture above is what she saw and loved. Although she was here at new year so much have changed and I want to show it to her, I can’t wait until I go visit her home in Japan and she shows me all around, I want to see all of the ugly places that she'd might consider fascinating. she has a very different definition of beauty.
what is ugly to me is pretty to others as tehy say beauty is teh in the eyes of the beholder

the WiseOne says
" to be Happy with Life, you will have to Like all the Ugliness"

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