Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Trust the Fingers

So when you don’t know what to do, and can not rely on your brain or heart, then trust the fingers. The fingers method works best, when your drowsy and u don’t have your bearings, or drunk, or high. Simply when your mind is out of it and you cant rely follow ur heart; The Fingers come in place. Like this morning I used the fingers to know whether to wake up and shower or to sleep some more, I showered and I wasn’t late this morning. Then again choosing which parking lot to park in, the Fingers came in Handy. So I put my faith in my fingers.

I wear my seat belt when I drive, and I buckle up my bag and books too, yet whoever sits in the passenger seats do not wear them!! Strange! Anyhow I suggest they wear it and if u don’t the waver their parent’s rights to sue me if we end up in an accident.

To day on the Radio I heard the way to break your fast is by eating dates and laban then praying, then come and eat up and eat in periods.

The Wise Man says
“ we spend all of our time collecting money, and when we have enough we try to buy time”

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