Saturday, March 17, 2007

how will you die?

Have u ever thought of how you’d die? Maybe some heroic death or just a mundane one.

Ever thought of you death's scenario; I’ve always imagined that I’d fall down the stairs and break my neck, or I’d collapse and hit my head on something hard and get and get a fatal head injury. Gruesome?

Yet I’m aware that most die in unexpected ways, but I see these scenarios very possible.

I don’t have any suicidal tendencies or thoughts, I have to stress that fact this is neither a cry for help nor a death wish. It’s simply something to wonder about.

the Wise one says
"it's not how you die, but how u've lived"


Anonymous said...

i've always imagined that i'd be murdered in cold blood, probably because of some revenge issues. lol it kind of makes sense.

Samsoom =) said...
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Samsoom =) said...

I like how your words revolve around this concept... May God have written for us to die in the most peaceful manner... Amin.

Perhaps the best death scene that could come to mind now would be during a Sajda =)

ok! I got goosebumps! hehe
