Saturday, March 10, 2007

Selfish vs. Sadness

Staring at strawberry tart my thoughts drift away, between the water bottle and the pizza I remember 2004. I let my thought formulate a memory of a person, and then suddenly I remembered that in truth 2004 was his last year with us. My thought caught my smiles and laughter and I don’t know what I really felt, despair, guilt, or shame.

We are selfish beings no matter how much others agonize in their own despair we are still smiling. We eat strawberry tarts and leave half a pizza untouched, when there are others who only want crumbs of bread. We buy expensive gifts in diamonds and gold, where those who have dug up those gems are stricken by poverty.

We might really feel sorrow, grief and even sadness, but it’s funny how one day you find your self just smiling again and laughing. Then if we truly have moved on and we are over our grief, how come sadness can overtake us in a second? Then all of a sudden the same doubtful dream state you’ve gone through is back, and beyond all realities you hope that this sadness isn’t true as it’s all but a bad dream.

How can we complain about our hectic lives, when some are gasping for a last breath to live? Then we complain for not having the right physique, when some only pray to be healthy again.

The wise one says
“Sadness never vacates a heart for Happiness to occupy”


F said...

It broke my heart reading your post...

I was just thinking about that the other day... And i recalled a conversation I had with my father, who is a complete advocate for simplicity and modesty in all things, about these issues...

We should be grateful... Yet sometimes we forget that being grateful is not always enough... and that merely hoping or wishing to do something is nothing more than merely hoping and wishing?

When will we realise that "not enough" is not enough anymore?

Anonymous said...

i think that out of all the depressing things that depress us already, we shouldn't really worry about saving the world. because if we vanish, i don't think anyone would give a crap. and we're all insignificant. and there's nothing to do to save the freaking world and stupid people from their selfishness and stupidity. at the end of the day, we just happen to be "born into" a certain life, and we're just trying to get out of it doing our best. so, there's no need to feel guilty of what you have, just be happy, because you know the idiotic guy next to you would probably have more than you do. you see what i mean? just live with that, help out the less fortunate, but don't sob about it [being unfortunate is their test, and you already had or will have a different sort of test but just as harsh] no one has it all.

update, please.

Noaf said...

hey love.. i've updates..

i've gotta say u've shocked me! we are not insignificant, and our acts do effect the world, and we can change ppl!.. and thinking that we are here just to live our own lives and die, is a rather sad way of living.

each one of us effects someone else, and for some one who complain abt every thing, you should believe that u can do more than complain u can act in ways that will change the world around you...

i have to say my dear friend that i don't agree with anything u've said. and i'm sorry that you think in that way...

maybe i'll get you one day to see what i see,,, and maybe alter ur prespective.

Anonymous said...

maybe we do affect others in some mysterious way, just like in it's a wonderful life. but my point was that there's a system (i.e God) and we shouldn't carry the burden of the world. that's all i meant dear.

p.s. i am not an optimist and i don't believe in changing the world. changing ourselves is hard enough. lol Ghandi said be the change you want to see in the world, so for now that's something. ;)